According to foreign media reports, Cisco released the cloud computing market outlook report, by 2020, 92% of the workload will be handled by the cloud data center, and only 8% of the workload is handled by the traditional data center.
Cisco said that by 2020, cloud data traffic is likely to grow 2.7 times, from 3.9 ZB per year in 2015 to 14.1 ZB per year in 2020. Big data and its associated Internet of Things will be the main force driving this growth.
By 2020, database, analytics, and IoT workloads will account for 22% of total business workload, which is 20% in 2015. By then, the total amount of data generated by the Internet of Things will reach 600 ZB per year, which is 275 times that of end users or devices generating data volume (2.2 ZB) in the data center, and 39 times that of traditional data centers generating total data traffic (15.3 ZB). .
The survey found that public clouds grew faster than private clouds. By 2020, 68% of cloud workloads will be processed in public cloud data centers, up from 49% last year; 32% of cloud workloads will be handled in private cloud data centers, down from 51% last year.
Cisco expects that the market-as-a-service (IaaS) interest will decline as software-as-a-service (SaaS) continues to grow rapidly. By 2020, software-as-a-service workload will account for 74% of cloud workloads, up from 65% last year; infrastructure-as-a-service will account for 17% of cloud workload, below 26% last year. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) will also decline, and its share of cloud workload will fall to 8%, less than 9% last year.
In the consumer market, video and social networking will lead the growth of consumer data workloads. By 2020, each user will generate 1.7 GB of consumer data storage per month, compared to 513 MB last year. Streaming video data workloads will account for 34% of total consumer data workloads, up from 29% last year; social network data workloads will account for 24% of total consumer data workloads, up from 20% last year. In the next four years, 59% (2.3 billion) Internet users will use personal cloud storage services, up from 47% (1.3 billion) last year.
Guangzhou Ehang Electronic Co., Ltd. ,