MOSFET high frequency amplifier circuit

Single-gate MOS FET preamplifier (1) VHF high-frequency amplifying circuits used to be bipolar transistors (Bipolar Transistor) as the mainstream, but now most of them are replaced by FET. Figure 2-1 is its representative circuit. 2SK241 (Toshiba) is a FET for VHF with a power gain of up to 28dB (@ 100MHz), which is the most suitable for the high-frequency amplifier stage of VHF receivers. Since the operating point of the gate is zero bias (Zero Bias), the structure of the circuit is quite simple. There are six components in the circuit. Together with the inductance and capacitance shown in Table 2-1, it can be applied to high frequencies of various frequencies. Frequency amplification circuit. The drain current is 9 mA, and the drain current remains constant within the range of the power supply voltage from 6 to 12V.

Electrolytic capacitor

The electrolyte material inside the electrolytic capacitor, which has charge storage, is divided into positive and negative polarity, similar to the battery, and cannot be connected backwards.A metal substrate having an oxide film attached to a positive electrode and a negative electrode connected to an electrolyte (solid and non-solid) through a metal plate.

Nonpolar (dual polarity) electrolytic capacitor adopts double oxide film structure, similar to the two polar electrolytic capacitor after two connected to the cathode, the two electrodes of two metal plates respectively (both with oxide film), two groups of oxide film as the electrolyte in the middle.Polar electrolytic capacitors usually play the role of power filter, decoupling (like u), signal coupling, time constant setting and dc isolation in power circuit, medium frequency and low frequency circuit.Non-polar electrolytic capacitors are usually used in audio frequency divider circuit, television S correction circuit and starting circuit of single-phase motor.

Electrolytic Capacitor,Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor,High Voltage Electrolytic Capacitor,12V Electronic Components Capacitor