Nissan A32-EL power supply circuit diagram four

SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitor

Nissan A32-EL power supply circuit diagram

Integrated Turbine Flow Meter

Integrated Turbine Flowmeter measures the velocity of liquids, gases and vapors in pipes, such as hydrocarbons, chemicals, water, cryogenic liquids, air, and industrial gases. High accuracy turbine flowmeters are available for custody transfer of hydrocarbons and natural gas. These flowmeters often incorporate the functionality of a flow computer to correct for pressure, temperature and fluid properties in order to achieve the desired accuracy for the application.

T P Compensation Turbine Flowmeter

Integrated Turbine Flow Meter,Alcohol Turbine Flow Meter,Cooking Oil Turbine Flow Meter,Reliable Liquid Turbine Flow Meter

Kaifeng Chuangxin Measurement & Control Instrument Co., Ltd. ,