Talking about the maintenance technique of circuit board of medical X-ray machine

As one of the six medical imaging equipment, X-ray machine is widely used in clinical medicine. At present, when a new generation of X-ray machine is controlled by computer, because the computer's central processing unit (CPU) controls all the work of the X-ray machine, the method of signal tracking is greatly restricted. The advantage of rapid diagnosis, using new methods to repair equipment, but at the same time there may be problems in determining and repairing the computer system itself.

1. How to judge whether the CPU system works normally

Example 1 Toshiba Model KXO-850 gastrointestinal machine.
Symptom: The host does not work after booting, and there is no self-check. Analysis and maintenance: Check the power supply is normal. There are positive and negative 5V and positive and negative 15V power supplies on the CPU board, but the work indicator on the CPU board is abnormal. Therefore, it is suspected that the fault is inside the CPU board. First consider replacing the ROM block.
Fault 4: Fault phenomenon: The error code "402" is displayed after the power-on self-test. Fault detection: measuring the filament DC power supply 315 V, normal, the inverter trigger pulse is about 20 ms at startup, and the inverter and the subsequent circuit are suspected to be faulty. Disconnect the two primary input terminals of the filament transformer for testing, and replace the filament transformer with two 60 W bulbs as the load. The filament is lit and the error code is no longer displayed, indicating that the power supply is normal. Measure the X-ray tube filament is normal, eliminate the fault caused by the high-voltage conversion gate, the fault point should be on the filament transformer. Then connect the filament transformers one by one. When the small focus filament transformer is connected back, the fault code appears again, confirm that it is the fault here, replace the small focus filament transformer in the high voltage generator, and return to normal.
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