RS232 Wireless Modem is used to replace wired RS232 serial communication cables. PufangTech`s RS232 Wireless Modem can establish a transparent radio serial connection between point to point or among point to multi-point stations in half duplex mode.
The wireless modem has a robust range of 1 to 10Km through buildings and up to 50Km line of sight without any special antenna configurations. It transmits and receives RS232 data at interface baud rates of 1200bps to 115200bps. The low cost unit operates on VHF/UHF frequency band and is modulated with narrow band digital FM.
It can be used in any remote supervision and control applications such as master stations of oil, gas and water pipelines, environmental monitoring, street light control, wastewater pumping stations and OEM applications.
RS232 Wireless Modem
RS232 Wireless Modem,Wireless RS232,RF Modem RS232,RS232 Wireless GSM Modem
Shenzhen PuFang Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.hytelus.com